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Szeged Garden Friends Circle

garden in Szeged

The Szeged Garden Friends Circle is a member of the National Association of Gardeners and Garden Friends (web: The aim of the organization is to popularize garden culture, to bring garden lovers and hobby gardeners together, to provide an opportunity to exchange practical experiences and learn about professional innovations. The members of the Circle are not only the mature age group experienced in gardening and gardening, but also the young plant-loving generation.

Since 2014, the Szeged Garden Friends Circle has been holding its meetings in the SZTE Botanical Garden (Lövölde u. 42). Each meeting is organized around a topic of interest to the members. As a taster, the following topics have emerged in the past period: getting to know grape varieties, plant protection, care and conditioning of vegetables and fruit trees, pruning fruit trees, possibilities and importance of biological control, herbs in the garden, permaculture, winter bird guests of our gardens, overwintering insects, care and propagation of indoor plantsbeekeeping demonstration. In addition, our members can participate in the professional forums provided by the national organization and in the events of other local Garden Friendly Circles. During the herb garden events, we also organize a Garden-Friendly Round Gathering, to which entry is free with a valid membership.

We can proudly report that in 2014 we participated in the national competition "The most beautiful kitchen gardens", where II. we achieved a position with our farm yard. With the active participation of our members, we developed the vineyard of the Botanical Garden, and our collection has also grown with many valuable plants (ivy species and varieties, Mediterranean plant species, native and bushy mallows) thanks to the donations of garden lovers. In addition, the professional and practical experiences shared by garden lovers also provide a lot of help in the event of a topic, problem, or garden task that arises.

We are still waiting for applications from garden lovers who:

  • are interested in horticulture,
  • they enjoy gardening,
  • are curious about current horticultural innovations and changes in attitude,
  • they would get to know the flora in a pleasant, informal way.

Apply and inquire at the following e-mail address (, or by phone (Anikó Németh, 70/439-93-27). More info:

Conditions for membership:

The annual membership fee of the Gardening Circle: HUF 2,100/year (Entry to Füvészkerti Gardening Circle programs is free upon payment of the membership fee.) Payment of the membership fee is possible at the time of the indicated programs, at the economic manager.

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