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Autumn moods

Autumn moods

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One of the groups of the Belvárosi Rajzkör is called the Amateur Group. Its members are adults who, after work and in their free time, have chosen joint art creative activities as a means of relaxation and recharge.

According to their hope, joining the thematic days of the Szeged Botanical Garden will create the foundations of lasting cooperation and creation together. They see the garden not only as a venue for an exhibition, but also as an inspiring and thought-provoking topic. Here it is possible to tune in to nature, to delve deeper, and from study drawings to plein-air, the creative spirit can find a wide range.

The first step of this joint work is the exhibition that has just been realized, where the creators have selected their images that match the theme and the upcoming autumn mood in connection with the event "Pumpkin Good Day" at the Botanical Garden.

Exhibiting artists: Éva Bíró Anna, Gáborné Bogdán, Teréz Dobay, Ildikó Karcagi, Istvánné Lajkó, László Libor, József Nacsa, Edit Nagy, Judit Pálma Nagy, Gizella Selmeczky, Rita Sinka, Rita Zsivkovits.

The grand opening will take place on Thursday, October 12, at 4:30 p.m. in the Mediterrán greenhouse.

The exhibition will be opened by Gizella Selmeczky, the professional leader of the group. Contributor: Viola Csiszer, flutist of the Szeged Symphony Orchestra.

The exhibition can be viewed until October 31 during the opening hours of the Botanical Garden.

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